The True Happiness Bouquet

Item # W37-4711
The True Happiness Bouquet

The True Happiness Bouquet Details

The True Happiness Bouquet speaks of garden grandeur and sweet romance. Lavender roses are positioned at the top of this cascade bouquet which features fuchsia dendrobium orchids, pink waxflower, lavender mini carnations, purple delphinium and ivy vines elegantly suspended to create a fantastic look. Tied together with a lavender grosgrain ribbon, this bouquet is a blessing of true happiness and lasting love.

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Substitution & Delivery Policy

*PLEASE READ* We need the option to substitute based on our standards of quality, look, and feel. It is a difficult time right now in our industry to get certain flowers AND vases. Don't worry! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL regardless of any change we need to make! If you really need that certain item, please call the store and let us know immediately.

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